On this day all those years, the United States of America declared independence from Britain – so you think! Check out these fun facts about Independence Day provided by Hocking College.
1. We Didn’t Actually Declare Independence on the 4th of July
One of the greatest misconceptions of the 4th of July lies in the name and date. It is widely believed that America declared their independence from Britain on July 4, 1776. However, the official vote actually took place two days before and the “Declaration” was published in papers on July 4.
2. Americans Will Enjoy 150 Million Hot Dogs During the 4th
According to the National Sausage and Hot Dog Council (NHDSC), Americans are expected to eat 150 million hot dogs over the July 4th holiday. This is part of an estimated 7 billion that are expected to be eaten during the summer season from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
3.The Designer of the 50-Star Flag Lived in Lancaster, Ohio
In 1958, a history teacher assigned a class assignment to redesign the national flag as both Alaska and Hawaii neared statehood.
Robert G. Heft, who was 16 at the time, designed a new flag using the old 48-star flag and $2.87 worth of blue cloth and white iron-on material. His design earned him a B-minus to which he challenged by sending it to Washington D.C. to be considered by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
According to his obituary, Heft was one of thousands to submit a flag design but he was the only person who actually stitched together a flag and shipped it to D.C.
Once the flag was selected, Heft’s grade was rightfully changed to an A. His design became the official flag in 1960.
4. The U.S.A loves fireworks – $1 Billion Worth
According to the American Pyrotechnics Association, Americans spend more than $1 billion on fireworks each year. Out of this, only 10% of firework displays are set off professionally, which probably accounts for the estimated 12,900 firework-related emergency room visits across the country.
According to Fortune Magazine, of those injuries occurring between June and July, almost 70% were experienced by men.
Regardless if you’re celebrating with fireworks or hotdogs, keep it safe and full of memories this year! Happy 4th of July!