Planting season has arrived. There are potential customers everywhere, just waiting to hear about your business! Here are a few ways to let growers in your area choose you not only as their seed supplier, but as their own personal seed expert. 

1. Use Social Media

If you’re not using any social media platforms, you may be missing a golden opportunity—not to mention a free one. Whether you choose Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (just to name a few), these are places you can let potential customers know about your expertise when it comes to seed in a timely manner. For instance, if the weatherman is calling for rain over the next few days, remind your customers you’ve got the perfect lawn seed for just this moment. If you want to get more out of your social posts, you can always invest a little money to “boost” them with a minimal spend and reach a pretty broad audience. 

2. Hold a Workshop

Nothing builds a relationship and promotes your expertise better than one-on-one face time in a workshop. Consider providing some “how-to” tips or, if possible, in the field learning opportunities. Not sure what to share or show? Ask yourself, what are the most frequently asked questions about seeds and planting you get? Start there. When you have your place and topic, let people know about the workshop via your social media channels, or work with your local extension office, which leads us to our next idea… 

3. Work with a Local Extension Office

From classes to events, your local extension office is not only a great resource for you to use, it’s also a great organization to connect with to share your expertise. The extension office can help you promote your event to the local community, and they may even want to help present a lesson of their own to your customers. The MU Extension is a great place to start!

4. Submit Articles to the Newspaper

As the digital world keeps expanding, there is still something to be said about holding the printed local news in your hand. There are plenty of readers who are dedicated to reading every word. Submitting articles to the local newspaper provides opportunities to get the word out about your upcoming events and share educational resources with your current and potential customers. Not a great writer? Here’s a hint: check out some of our blog posts and make them yours! 

5. Participate in Community Events

One thing is for sure, local Missourians like to support their community. They know the importance of local engagement to keep communities strong and vibrant. Your participation in area events says you’re a community partner willing to invest in them. And in return, they will be willing to invest in you. Plus, community events give you a venue to showcase your talents and expertise. 

6. Send a Monthly Email

Keeping your name in front of your customer is a great way to keep your business top of mind. This is even more true with selling a seasonal product. By sending a monthly email or newsletter, you’re reminding your customer they can always look to you for timely information. It doesn’t have to be long—in fact, short and to the point emails are more likely to be read. Not sure what information to share with them? Again, Missouri Southern Seed has a great blog section full of content… and we encourage you to share! 

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