Defiance Sorghum Sudangrass

Typical 3-way sorghum Sudangrass hybrid with added resistant to Sugarcane aphid. In sorghum-sudangrass, this pest becomes a problem in the summer months during attempts to cut and bale the forage.

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Drought Tolerant, Disease Resistance, Quality Feed

Typical 3-way sorghum Sudangrass hybrid with added resistant to Sugarcane aphid. In sorghum-sudangrass, this pest becomes a problem in the summer months during attempts to cut and bale the forage. A sweet sorgo Sudan hybrid that produces plants with fine stems and large leaves. Cattle usage includes grazing, hay, or green chop. The best SCA tolerance on the market to date. Excellent leaf to stem ratio. Fast recovery after grazing or cutting. Excellent foliar disease resistance.

Seed Rate: 25-30 lbs/acre drilled or 35-40 lbs/acre broadcasted

Planting: May – July

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