Have you started your list of resolutions for 2022? You don’t have to wait for January 1 to strive for a goal, but it’s to start thinking about your cover crop goals because before you know it, it will be spring.
If you have never incorporated cover crops into your operation, start with a goal to attend a conference to learn more about them. Or, find a local grower who has experience with cover cropping and ask them to mentor you.
Perhaps you tried cover crops once and didn’t have the best experience. Try, try again. Many farmers have found cover crops to be profitable on their farm over time. Depending on each farm or individual field, cover crops may provide a relatively quick profit, like grazing for example, or may take up to years to provide a return.
If you already use cover crops, make a goal to increase your number of acres or try a few different mixes. It’s a new year which means there are so many fresh opportunities to try something new. Besides, trial and error is how you got started cover cropping, right?
Whether or not you believe in New Year’s Resolutions (or stick to them for that matter), you would be amazed at the changes you’ll see in your farm just from incorporating cover crops.
We hope 2022 brings higher yields, increased earthworm populations, or even improved water holding capacity for your soil. Cover crops can help you reach your soil health goals, and we are here to help you make the best decisions for your fields.