Proper seed storage is key to maintaining the germination, vigor and vitality of the seed for next year’s crop. If you’re buying seed in bulk and planning to store it, there are specific storage conditions the seeds will require.
Many large seed companies have a specific room, called a cold room, where they can regulate the temperature and humidity of the room. We know that luxury isn’t available to everyone, so we wanted to give you some helpful tips for storing your seeds.
Here are our tips for storing your seeds in your store:
- Keep your seeds stored in a cool environment
- Store in air-tight containers
- Zip-lock storage bags, glass jars or plastic containers with snap-on lids are all great options
- Place containers in a dry area
- Basements and attics, areas that are hard to control the humidity, aren’t the most ideal areas to store the seeds
- Before sealing or closing the storage containers, add a packet of silica gel (the little packets you find in your shoes)
- This way, if there is any moisture in the bag, the silica gel will remove any moisture that is present
If you have any questions about storing your seeds or purchasing seeds in bulk, please reach out to us and we’ll be glad to help. Contact us today!