Warrior II Orchardgrass

A later maturing, upright growing orchardgrass derived from the Warrior line of high-yielding orchardgrass.


This next-generation variety boasts all of the traits of Warrior Orchardgrass, with improved resistance to disease and grazing pressures. Warrior II Orchardgrass is the #1 ranked proprietary orchardgrass in a three-year dry matter yield trial in Orange, Virginia, beating Persist and Shiloh II Orchardgrass varieties. Data was gathered using three harvest schedules throughout the given year.

Warrior II Orchardgrass is recommended for intensive rotational grazing, pasture, hay, green chop, and silage. However, orchardgrass requires a high mowing/grazing height. It has been found for best yields and plant life to leave at least 3.5 to 5 inches of stubble for regrowth. Warrior II Orchardgrass was selected for its improved disease resistance to stem and leaf rust as well as its increased forage yields. These traits make it a perfect complement to alfalfa, red and white clover, birdsfoot trefoil, tall fescue, and early maturing varieties of timothy such as our Cow★Pro Timothy. Its palatability and longevity give this variety strong bonus features. Plant 15 to 20 pounds per acre, March through April and September through October. Best results when drilled.


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