Crown Royale Orchardgrass was selected for its increased yield trials throughout most of the United States, producing up to 35% more forage than other grasses tested. Crown Royale Orchardgrass has excellent early seedling vigor making it easy to establish. It also performs well on various soil types ranging from clay to gravely loams and on shallow to deep soils.
Crown Royale Orchardgrass has shown excellent winter hardiness and moderate drought resistance. Due to its later maturity, Crown Royale Orchardgrass is a perfect companion for fescue, timothy, alfalfa, and red and white clover. It works well for rotational grazing pasture, hay, green chop, and silage. However, orchardgrass requires a higher mowing/grazing height. It has been found for gest yeilds and plant life to leave at least 3.5 to 5 inches of stubble for regrowth. Crown Royale Orchardgrass should be planted at 15-20 pounds per acre drilled March through April or late August through October at 1/8 to 1/4 inch depth.