
A hybrid brassica selected for superior forage quality, high forage and biomass production, grazing and winter survival.


When tested for forage quality against other premium brassicas, Collards place near or at the top in all desirable characteristics including crude protein and digestibility. Collards can thrive under a wide range of environmental conditions and seasonal extremes including conditions below zero for several days without snow cover or other protection, making it one of the most winter-hardy brassicas available. Leaves may wilt or burn around the edges but vegetation will remain green and viable throughout the winter.

On the other extreme, once Collards’ large taproot penetrates deep into the soil profile, it can still be productive during the hot, dry summers experienced in many areas of the country. Collards can tolerate close grazing pressure due to the growing point being near the soil surface which also allows for fast regrowth after grazing. The versatility and economic benefits of Collards are unsurpassed, making it truly the king of premium brassicas.

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